Food To Go After Lockdown: Downturn and Recovery

Following a decade of strong turnover growth, physical expansion in the FTG sector had peaked before coronavirus. The restricted movement enforced by the pandemic has resulted in a forecast of -28% for the full year 2020. However, FTG did not suffer as deeply as other channels and, as such, a swifter recovery is expected.

The Lumina Intelligence Food to Go Market Report has been fully updated to reflect the significant challenges brought about by coronavirus and provides a full revision of forecasted market performance by sub-channel; key operator developments; an update on consumer and shopper trends; as well as key growth opportunities and future outlook for the sector.

What this report tells you:

  • Market update: What is the value of the market in light of coronavirus? What is the revised growth forecast for 2020? What is food to go’s share of the total eating out market?
  • Competitive landscape: Who are the top ten players in the FTG market? How have they performed? Who are the key players by sub-channel? How did FTG operators respond to the coronavirus pandemic?
  • Consumer insight: How are consumer trends changing and how has this been impacted by coronavirus? Who is the food to go consumer? Why do they buy FTG?
  • Growth opportunities: What are the seven key trends impacting the food to go market? How have these trends evolved?
  • Future outlook: How will the FTG sector evolve in the next three years? What are the Lumina Intelligence growth forecasts
    to 2023?