Postbiotics: New tools for microbiome regulation, discussion with Ewa Hudson and Stephen Daniells

Our very own Ewa Hudson, joined the “Postbiotics: New tools for microbiome regulation” webinar hosted by NutraIngredients-USA in December.

Lumina Intelligence expanded into the postbiotics category in September 2022 due to huge customer demand. After a significant effort, Lumina is now tracking over 400 postbiotics products and 500K related online reviews.

In this discussion with Stephen Daniells, Editor-in-Chief of NutraIngredients-USA, Ewa explains how Lumina manages to track the category, how to identify and classify postbiotics, and the challenges encountered in this new and settling market.

After observing the soaring reviews over the past 6 months, we are excited to see how this category will grow in the future, especially in APAC and the US.

Fill in the form to watch the discussion on demand.